Milan Zdravkovic , director at Institut za povrtarstvo doo Smederevska Palanka
http://www.institut-palanka.co.rsBilateral Meetings
- 13.11.2012 Tuesday (10:30 - 13:00)
- 13.11.2012 Tuesday (14:00 - 17:00)

Scientific research Institute for research and experimental development in the field of biotechnology. Vegetable Seeds. Vegetable crops. Production, finishing, sale and export of vegetable seeds.
Istraživačko-razvojni institut za oblast istraživanja i eksperimentalnog razvoja u biotehnologija. Seme povrća. Povrtarstvo. Proizvodnja, dorada, prodaja i izvoz semena povrća.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Supplier
Organization Size: 51-100
Founding Year: 1946
Phone: 026317170
Email: mzdravkovic@institut-palanka.co.rs
City: Smederevska Palanka 11420,Karađorđeva 71 Google map
Areas of Activities
- Organic products
- Other
Offer & Request
Scientific cooperation
Type of Cooperation
Seed of vegetables
vegetable seed export
Type of Cooperation
- Distribution