

Bilateral Talks

Participants 150
Meetings 177

Profile views

Before Event 10268
After Event 487387


1.What is meet the buyer?
A free of charge opportunity for buyers to meet potential new suppliers.  This cuts down on costs of visiting potential suppliers. Buyers are asked to bring samples of the type of goods or services they are looking to buy.  Chance to meet a great number of renown suppliers from Serbia.
2.Who can attend?
Successful companies who are buyers in the following sectors: Food and Furniture. 
3.How do I apply?

Please, visit  in order to register and apply. In case you have any question please contact us at Please send email details of what you may be looking for.

4.What do I get?
A stand of 21 sqm. with two private areas to have meetings. Signage, wireless internet, food, plus national media coverage.  All free.  There are only 20 stands available.
5.When should I arrive to the stand?
At least 30 minutes before the beginning of the event. Please ensure you can stay until the end of the planned activities. Working hours are from 9 -17h.
6.How many company representatives should be at the stand?
You should have at least two representatives. Meet the Buyers is intensive and promises a highly productive day of meetings with potential suppliers
7.How much does it cost to take a stand?
Meet the Buyers provides FREE OF CHARGE use of stands for participating multinational companies buyers.
8.How long should the individual meetings last?
This will vary depending of needs, between 15-20 minutes. You will be surprised that even 10 minutes is enough to assess a well prepared supplier. If mutual interest is discovered, the follow up meeting should take place in two weeks post to the event. 
9.How many suppliers will I meet in a day?
In accordance with your demand and supply on the market, as well as number of your representatives, between 5 and 15.
10.When will the appointment diary become available?
For this particular Meet the Buyer event since the special interactive portal will be used, you will be able to have daily insight into your schedule. Final meeting schedule will be disseminated electronically in a pdf format to all participants a week before the event. At the event itself, the organizers will be in charge to provide the final schedule of appointments to each stand and a supplier.
11.Why do I need to nominate a deputy in my place?
It is obligatory to appoint a deputy who will be able to participate in the event in case of your other urgent business.
The potential suppliers scheduled for the meetings, need to encounter a person in charge for the introductory negotiations and information.
12.Are lunch/refreshments included?
Meet the Buyers provides FREE OF CHARGE lunch/refreshments to participating companies.
13.Internet connection
Wireless connection will be available and free of charge for all participant at the event.
14. Day before event,  12th November 2012, is reserved for final stand installation and branding. Buyers are welcome to visit location and stand positions from 15:00 to 18:00.

2011 Experience

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  • «Каждые 20 минут у нас была встреча с той или иной компанией. Все проходило динамично, четко и результативно – я считаю, это и есть успех мероприятия….»

    Вячеслав Гриценко
    ООО «ТСК», Санкт-Петербург



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    Spanskih boraca 74, New Belgrade



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Media Sponsors

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