Bilateral Meetings
- 13.11.2012 Tuesday (10:30 - 13:00)
- 13.11.2012 Tuesday (14:00 - 17:00)

Kompanija Alfa Polaris d.o.o. proizvodi proizvodni program Arsnatura žardinjere modernog dizajna, koje predstavljaju detalj sa kojim se spaja prirodno i veštačko i svojim jedinstvenim dizajnom daje specifičnost svakom prostoru.
Proizvode se od savremenih kompozitnih materijala koji obezbeđuju pouzdanost, lako održavanje i dugovečnost proizvoda, takođe postoji mogućnost prilagođavanja boje, strukture, završne obrade u skladu sa željama klijenta.
Alfa Polaris Company Ltd. manufactures product line Arsnatura pots modern design, with details that represent the connecting natural and artificial, and its unique design provides specificity to any space.
Manufactured from modern composite materials that ensure reliability, ease of maintenance and longevity of the product, there is also a possibility adjusting the color, structure, surface finish in accordance with the wishes of the client.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Supplier
Organization Size: 1-10
Founding Year: 2006
Phone: +381 22 315 440
City: 22300 Stara Pazova 22300,Ćirila i Metodija 53 Google map
Areas of Activities
- Engineering and interior furnishing
- Other
Žardinjere-Designed pots
Kompanija Alfa Polaris d.o.o. proizvodi proizvodni program Arsnatura žardinjere modernog dizajna, koje predstavljaju detalj sa kojim se spaja prirodno i veštačko i svojim jedinstvenim dizajnom daje specifičnost svakom prostoru.
Proizvode se od savremenih kompozitnih materijala koji obezbeđuju pouzdanost, lako održavanje i dugovečnost proizvoda, takođe postoji mogućnost prilagođavanja boje, strukture, završne obrade u skladu sa željama klijenta.
Alfa Polaris Company Ltd. manufactures product line Arsnatura pots modern design, with details that represent the connecting natural and artificial, and its unique design provides specificity to any space.
Manufactured from modern composite materials that ensure reliability, ease of maintenance and longevity of the product, there is also a possibility adjusting the color, structure, surface finish in accordance with the wishes of the client.
- Engineering and interior furnishing