Dragan Misovic , Direktor at Susara Dragan Misovic Bumbarevo Brdo
Bilateral Meetings
- 13.11.2012 Tuesday (10:30 - 13:00)
- 13.11.2012 Tuesday (14:00 - 17:00)
Our primary business activity relates to dried fruit production. We grow plums and produce prunes (with and without seeds). At the moment we are interested in joint investment and/ or dried fruit export. In addition to this we are capable of providing the services such as dried fruit or any kind of seeds packaging, or processing of raw/ semi finished products.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Supplier
Organization Size: 1-10
Founding Year: 2006
Phone: +381 34 6592 105
Email: nevena.misovic@gmail.com
City: Kragujevac 34240,Bumbarevo Brdo Google map
Areas of Activities
- Dried fruits